Thursday, March 12, 2009

Rant spawned from an MSN conversation.

Sometimes I think life would be soo much easier being straight.

For once I would like to talk to people and not have my sexuality pop up for once. I am gay - but that does not define who I am. I want to sit down and have a chat to a random with the feeling that I'm accepted no matter how they think. I don't like the notion that as soon as people find out I am gay it changes everything... I just don't get it.

Do they think it's a personal choice?

I am gay - it is not my fault. I'd rather accept myself than live a lie and die unhappy.

I also think it would be easier to have a straight relationship. Not just the social aspect of showing affection - but the actual relationship itself. Straight people have a somewhat chronological order to how they live.

Meet > Date > Relate > Marry > Kids > Parenting

With gay people I kind of feel like they move along two separate paths.
Meet > Fuck > Move on
Meet > Date > Relate > Commit > ?? what next ??

You may have noticed "marriage" was not in the gay paths. I don't think it should be a goal. Marriage is based from religion - we are not accepted amoung that - so why marry when we can get the same rights? Well - we can fight for the same coupled rights without having the label it with the term "marriage".

... that's just how I feel at this point in time. It may change. Sometimes I'm fickle.

I want to find a partner who will follow this path:
Meet > Date > Relate > Commit > Live happily ever after
(Kids/Adoption may be an option... but not fussed at all about it aye)
(and yes I am aware I do not live in a fairytale)

lol - that is my rant.

I shall leave it at that for now.... it could have been longer but I seem too.... I don't even know... insane?


xx Action Wolfe


  1. Hi there Action Wolfe-

    Totally with you on ALL of your comments.
    Marriage started as a property arrangement (woman=property). Why should we strive for it?
    Well, I think the answer lies in your equation:
    I personally think the reason so many gay relationships fail is there is no social recognition. Marriage, to me, is more than a religious institution; it's evolved in the modern context. We need marriage rights to finish that equation: Meet>Commit>?
    Without marriage, we will always have one foot out the door...
    BTW- I wish I had made it to Perth when I backpacked in Australia! Maybe next time...

  2. Sweetie...

    I think love in general can bite. Gay, straight, undecided etc.

    And I concur, it isn't a personal choice.

    Sweetie, sexuality does not constitute the person and people who believe it do are truly not worth being in your life anyway.

    I know it is tough always coming up in conversations.

    I want to say something truly inspiring right now but it is so early in the morning.

    I will talk to you when you get here today.

    Love you babe, you know it xoxox

  3. And just to add I did not want to step on toes with this - this was just what was flying around in my head at that point in time. :)

  4. And Kelley - thanx for the comment - was nice to get some feedback. :)

    (and perth is the bomb)

  5. Hey!! I was flattered by your comment. It was so nice to hear that! Also, loving the Ben Kweller quote.

    Straight people want a happily ever after too! At least, I do. I've kind of always been wary of anyone who defines themselves in one category -- be it gay, straight, Republican, or revolutionary -- so it's refreshing to hear that you consider yourself so much more than one thing. Because we all are. At least, that's what I've convinced myself.

    Hope everything works out!
