I wanted to start blogging again because slowly my headspace is getting clogged up with crap again.
Soo - the important things I'm going to cover in this post:
- Canada
- Work
- Tattoo
After much deliberation I have decided on Vancouver - as it is the British Columbia part of Canada, a huge city with an amazing national park, gay friendly, and a majority of the Canadians there speak English (The further east you go the more people speak French.
Work is interesting at the moment, among a long list of people being fired/quitting/moving on were a few really insanely awesome people. It is sad to see them go and the job is not the same without them. I have to keep telling myself that I'm only there for another three months hopefully, and cherish the time with the people there I love while I can.
Tattoo - remember that post where I talked about getting a tattoo on my wrist? Yeah that's right the stars with the paths crossing? BAM! Done and Dusted - and no regrets, I loved it soo much. If you ever want to get a tattoo and the only thing stopping you is pain - pft seriously it doesn't hurt that much. I got it on my wrist which is meant to be a tender spot, sure it stung while I was there but within 5 minutes of finishing you can't remember the pain.
Anyhow my little Wolfies, I shall let you be for now.
Will hopefully post again either tonight or tomorrow.
Action Wolfe xx
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