Monday, April 26, 2010

Postsecret triggers soo many thoughts.

Image from

I love Postsecret, there is no doubt about that.  But every now and then a secret hits close to home and you find yourself reeling back, yet oddly comfortable.  The fact that somewhere, someone in the world has had the exact same thought as you is a powerful piece of knowledge.  

The image above does this for me.  No this isn't going to be a blog about self pity and how upset I am, because I am really not and am really over that situation.... over all three times it has happened.  More this has set me into thinking because I had this exact same line going through my head a week ago.  "If I were more perfect, would he be less straight?" is a chilling thing for a person to think.  I love who I am.  I like that I'm not 'good looking'.  I like the fact I'm not perfect.  I like the fact that I can perfectly keep myself occupied without needing people to entertain me.  I like the fact that while I'm alone and left to my own devices I do odd things.  I like me.  The fact I thought this scared the crap out of me.  If I loved me soo much, why did I think that I wasn't?

Was it a part of the healing process?  Was it a way of telling myself I'm not right for him, so his not right for me?  Was it just so my life opened a can of rhetoric questions nobody can really answer? : P

Whatever way you look at it - it's nice to know someone, somewhere is going through the same things as me.

For now that is all Wolfies, it feels better to be back blogging after the drought.... after a drought.... ^_^

xx Action Wolfe


  1. We are all connected through these similar experiences we share. I think that having these notions about not being perfect enough is completely natural.

  2. ^_^
    I suppose too err it so be human.... on a different level.
