Thursday, April 29, 2010

Love..... and being turned on in the head.... the top head.

"Write a list of things you need, leave it empty.  Except for number one, write love, gamble everything."
-Ben Lee

Soo.... I don't really want to talk about love again, but it's been a topic I talked about last night over red wine with a friend.  And we came up with an interesting idea.  

We both have had bad choices in people to have relationships with.  Our question was 'do we fall in love with the wrong people, plainly because we aren't ready for a full on relationship as of yet?'  It's an interesting idea, where our subconscious directs us to the wrong kind of people because we aren't emotionally at the right place to hold a proper relationship.  

Another thing that's been talked about is how people are gay.  I know I've always known I am deep down, but it's a matter of accepting it and being open with who you are before coming out.  My friend questions whether I think it's nature or nurture that causes humans to become homosexual.  Whilst I strongly disagree that it is either of these, the reasoning was this.  If it was nurture, gay people wouldn't come from many walks of life.  It would be from the same types of family and home conditions.  On the other hand it can't possibly be nature.  If it was genetic, there simply wouldn't be an inclining rate of gay beings because.... obviously.... gay partners can't create children with one another.... and as it would be a recessive gene parenting a child with a straight person would create a straight baby.  ^_^ It was an interesting conversation.

The last part of my 24 hours was watching episode one of the second season of Glee.  One of the scenes had a new character singing.  When someone sings in a certain way I find it very attractive.  The only other time I had found it to this extent is Ewan McGregor in Moulin Rouge. I tried to explain it to my room mate but it was unsuccessful and ended in the sentence "I'm so turned on by that guy rights now.  Don't worry I'm not hard.  You know what I mean.... Turned on in the head and not the pants?"  Yeah.... It ended in an awkward stare.  My bad.

Oh well, that is all for now.

Keep on trucking Wolfies.

xx Action Wolfe.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Zombied Out.

Today I woke up tired (as I procrastinated about going to bed again).  In effect I was two arm's raised off a zombie.  When I'm tired I seem to lack emotions and facial responses.... but I think that's normal.  It's like tiredness brings on more 'Meh' than one can handle.

It was a pretty slow day at work today besides a random Karma Sutra book coming into stock, a book about Micheal Phelps that reminded me of Wheezy Waiter, and an awkward conversation about head jobs.  Same old stuff really.  I love my workplace but slowly the place is going down because there are a few workers there that bring down the team morale.  At the same time it's confirmation for me that I wont be working there for the rest of my life - teaching beckons.  This prospect excites me.

Another thing that happened today was ZUMBA!  Lol.  I wasn't expecting to enjoy it so much, but it was a laugh trying to keep up with the class and the pansy ass instructor.  As the only male over 20 that wasn't an instructor... I'm pretty sure I shook my booty better than most of the chicks in there.  Shaking away my badonkedonk.

I think I'm addicted to twitter... but hey, I suppose it's better than crack at the end of the day.  ^_^

Hope all is well Wolfies - How was your day?

xx Action Wolfe

Monday, April 26, 2010

Love, Loooove, Love.

"She told me 'Son, fear is the heart of love...' and I never looked back."
-I will follow you into the dark, Death Cab for Cutie

For the first time in my life I'm not sitting in my room saying "Oh my god, it would be great if I could meet someone."  It's nice.  In saying that men are still fucking annoying the shit out of me, but at least it isn't a "I'm so alone I need someone in my life."  It's a comfortable stage to be in.  A healthy stage to be in.

The one thing I am sick of is logging onto facebook and seeing couples complaining how much they miss their other halves when they have only been separated like one day... and they don't even live together.  Okay, okay, I understand that kinda breaks the view that I'm a romantic guy.  But seriously.  It is 24 hours people... grow up and stop acting like a love addicted 17 year old girl.

I understand the love is a power force between two people - but where are the boundaries.  Are the lines blurred?  Is love great until it starts to affect every other aspect of our life? Is there a line where one says enough is enough, or is the addiction to great to come down off?  Rhetoric questions again?


Love, I suppose it is different for everyone.

Goodnight Wolfies.

xx Action Wolfe

Postsecret triggers soo many thoughts.

Image from

I love Postsecret, there is no doubt about that.  But every now and then a secret hits close to home and you find yourself reeling back, yet oddly comfortable.  The fact that somewhere, someone in the world has had the exact same thought as you is a powerful piece of knowledge.  

The image above does this for me.  No this isn't going to be a blog about self pity and how upset I am, because I am really not and am really over that situation.... over all three times it has happened.  More this has set me into thinking because I had this exact same line going through my head a week ago.  "If I were more perfect, would he be less straight?" is a chilling thing for a person to think.  I love who I am.  I like that I'm not 'good looking'.  I like the fact I'm not perfect.  I like the fact that I can perfectly keep myself occupied without needing people to entertain me.  I like the fact that while I'm alone and left to my own devices I do odd things.  I like me.  The fact I thought this scared the crap out of me.  If I loved me soo much, why did I think that I wasn't?

Was it a part of the healing process?  Was it a way of telling myself I'm not right for him, so his not right for me?  Was it just so my life opened a can of rhetoric questions nobody can really answer? : P

Whatever way you look at it - it's nice to know someone, somewhere is going through the same things as me.

For now that is all Wolfies, it feels better to be back blogging after the drought.... after a drought.... ^_^

xx Action Wolfe

Sunday, April 25, 2010

2010 - So far...

So, I'm not going to start with "Oh my god I'm soo sorry that I haven't posted in...." because to be honest.  I'm not sorry, I just plainly haven't had the time to blog / too much happening in my personal life to have the need to blog.

I wanted to start blogging again because slowly my headspace is getting clogged up with crap again.

Soo - the important things I'm going to cover in this post:
  1. Canada
  2. Work
  3. Tattoo
Canada - previously on here I have talked about having a Canada trip.... so putting plans into motion (even though they are way way in the future) I have made a goal for myself to be ready to move to Canada for a year at least (not just a holiday) by the end of 2011.

After much deliberation I have decided on Vancouver - as it is the British Columbia part of Canada, a huge city with an amazing national park, gay friendly, and a majority of the Canadians there speak English (The further east you go the more people speak French.

Work is interesting at the moment, among a long list of people being fired/quitting/moving on were a few really insanely awesome people.  It is sad to see them go and the job is not the same without them.  I have to keep telling myself that I'm only there for another three months hopefully, and cherish the time with the people there I love while I can. 

Tattoo - remember that post where I talked about getting a tattoo on my wrist?  Yeah that's right the stars with the paths crossing?  BAM!  Done and Dusted - and no regrets, I loved it soo much.  If you ever want to get a tattoo and the only thing stopping you is pain - pft seriously it doesn't hurt that much.  I got it on my wrist which is meant to be a tender spot, sure it stung while I was there but within 5 minutes of finishing you can't remember the pain.

Anyhow my little Wolfies,  I shall let you be for now.

Will hopefully post again either tonight or tomorrow.


Action Wolfe xx